More from the 90+ Study: coffee, booze and a few extra pounds are linked to living longer…

People who drink moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee and are overweight in their 70s live longer lives, according to researchers at University of California at Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. The researchers started the 90+ study in 2003 to look at what makes people live past 90. Participants  (n=1,600) are visited every… Continue reading More from the 90+ Study: coffee, booze and a few extra pounds are linked to living longer…

Study: Drinking alcohol is better for you than exercise…

The groundbreaking research was presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual conference. Researchers analyzed data from a long-term study conducted at the UC Irvine’s Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, called the 90+ Study, which has been following old-timers since 2003, in order to identify links between lifestyle and longevity. The researchers… Continue reading Study: Drinking alcohol is better for you than exercise…

Red meat and TMAO…researchers suggest possible mechanism to explain linkage to heart disease

It's a quandary... Many researchers are convinced deep in their hearts that red meat is bad for you, but they have long struggled to actually prove it or to even explain why. Coupled with the well-known limitations of epidemiological studies and the dismal track record of mainstream nutritional guidance, this lack of evidence made the… Continue reading Red meat and TMAO…researchers suggest possible mechanism to explain linkage to heart disease